Starting Martial Arts as An Adult? Here’s What to Know

There’s a funny perception that if you want to start martial arts, you need to be young. We’re not sure where it comes from, because not only is age (any age, really) no handicap, it’s also not unusual to have beginner adults. If you’ve been considering signing up for martial arts, and you’re worried that being in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s or 60s is an issue, well, it’s not. Here’s what to know if you’re starting martial arts as an adult (you rock star, you).

  • Consider your goals.

What’s your motivation for joining martial arts? Is it something you’ve also wanted to do? Are you looking for something that will improve your flexibility and speed? Do you want to improve your confidence and general ability? Are you considering it for the fitness benefits? Understanding your personal motivation can help you find the right kind of martial arts school for what you want. Mixed martial arts platforms offer training in multiple disciplines, which can be an asset too.

  • Be prepared to start at the bottom.

Everyone, from the smallest four year old in the beginner kids class to the highest ranked instructor, began as a white belt. That’s where you’ll start too. Martial arts training is cumulative, meaning you build upon the skills you learn as beginner, intermediate and advanced belt. Mastering the basics gives you a solid foundation on which to improve, and it’s not the kind of stuff that can be rushed. So not only will you start at the bottom, you’ll be there for a little while. Expect to spend a few months working through your beginner belts. And the higher you get, the longer it takes.

  • Expect to be sore.

Even if you’re in good shape going in, you’ll be using your muscles in different ways. Mastering the basics involves lots of repetitive movements, and you’ll feel it the next day. Keep training, it’ll help.

  • Give it time.

Things worth doing often take time – and lots of it. Commit to consistent training, and then make it happen. Start as you mean to go on, and the pay-off will come as you earn tips and belts. But understanding from the get-go that it’s not easy puts you in a better frame of mind for long-term success. There’s a reason that a black belt is a serous accomplishment – we don’t hand these things out like candy.


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