Five Reasons to Join Martial Arts at Freestyle Martial Arts Academy

Reno isn’t short on martial arts studios, but narrowing your options down can be tricky. We’ve shared four ways to find the best martial arts school, and now we’re cutting to the chase. If you’re ready to start training, here are five reasons to start your martial arts training at Freestyle Martial Arts Academy

1. The Quality of Our Instructors

Okay, this is the same tip we gave you for finding the best martial arts school in the post referenced above. So think about what that means. Our instructors include student instructors – candidate belts, primarily – and a core of instructors who have been around for years. Many of our student instructors become full-fledged instructors themselves – and we only hire from within. That means our martial arts instructors are intimately acquainted with what they’re teaching. After all, they’ve been in the shoes of the student themselves.

In addition to second, third, fourth degrees, our instructors are – across the board – courteous, personable and professional. Come and see for yourself. We welcome you to sit in on a class or two, and to observe the dynamic between students and teachers.

2. The Facility

With three spacious rooms, ample equipment like Thai pads and focus mitts, stadium-style seating for observing classes, new mats and more, Freestyle Martial Arts Academy is a great place to train. And, we’re easy to reach right off I-80 in Northwest Reno.

3. The Students

One of the most telling things about the quality of training at FMA is the number of black belts who continue to train here. Earning a black belt is an incredible accomplishment – but what next? For the majority of our newly-christened black belts, it’s back to class, back to training and a focus on a new goal – a second degree.

Beginning your martial arts training at Freestyle means you’re joining a community of welcoming, like-minded peers. While you’re judged on your abilities, and your abilities alone, you’re not alone in your efforts.

4. The Curriculum

The path to a black belt is difficult, but it’s clear. Curricula for every belt level is available to anyone, as are black belt testing requirements. At FMA, our approach is to help you master it all in a thoughtful, methodical manner. We build upon your skills cumulatively, and before you know it, you can handle Palgwe in your sleep.

5. The Free Fitness

Oh, have we mentioned Freestyle Fitness? It’s the fitness branch of FMA, and it’s awesome. About six months into training at FMA, you’ll be invited to join the Black Belt Club. It means we’ve noticed your commitment, that we believe you’re serious about working towards your black belt. And when you join BBC, you’re welcome to attend our fitness classes – free. These martial arts-inspired workouts are a killer workout, and you’ll find they increase your strength and flexibility in a way that pays off big time in your martial arts classes. Take a gander at the different classes and the schedule – it’s a well-rounded program.

Take advantage of our introductory offer, or just come check things out for yourself. There’s a reason that hundreds of Reno residents train at Freestyle Martial Arts Academy. We’d like you to be one of them.


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