Common Questions if You’re Starting Martial Arts as an Adult

Being a kid is so easy sometimes, isn’t it? They start something new and they don’t overthink it. They just dive right in. But adults start a new recreational activity and it can be an experience fraught with worry. How’s it going to go? What might go wrong? Maybe this is a bad idea. Sound familiar? For adults on this kind of worry train, understanding what to expect tends to be really helpful. And if your new pursuit happens to be martial adults, good news! Freestyle Martial Arts here in Reno is covering common FAQs if you’re starting martial arts as an adult.


This is a great question, because the school and instructors can make or break your martial arts experience. It’s absolutely worth considering your options, touring some schools, and getting some feedback before jumping into anything. Check out class schedules and drop in to observe a class. Pay attention to the dynamic between students and between the instructor and the class. Can you see yourself participating here? Talk to the front desk staff for their input about starting as well. Here at Freestyle Martial Arts, we have a getting started introductory package, so ask what new students can expect.


This is another common question from adults getting started in martial arts. What sort of time commitment should you expect? Your progress is a direct reflection of what you put in, but there’s no absolute answer for everyone. However, there are a few guidelines. If you’re training once a week, every class is going to be a struggle. You might feel awkward or hopelessly lost, just because you aren’t really giving yourself the time you need to start working through these movements.

Ideally, you’ll plan on training two to three times a week. You may find you enjoy so much that you’re hiding to class three to four days a week. More than that, and you want to be careful to avoid burning out. Make sure you’re giving yourself time to physically recover as well.


If you don’t work out or you’ve never participated in martial arts, it’s completely normal to be nervous. And here’s an open secret. Everyone has their first day on the mat, and everyone deals with nerves. At Freestyle, your instructor will know it’s your first day and can keep a close eye on you. Pay attention to what they’re doing, and just follow as long as best you can. Avoid comparing yourself to anyone else. If you’re really working up some anxiety, see if you can recruit a friend to start with you. A familiar face is always helpful, and you’ll have a built-in training buddy!

HOW CAN I BE A GOOD martial arts student?

We love this question. And if you’re asking it, you’re already on the right track. A lot of being a good martial arts student comes down to being respectful. Be focused and present, listen to feedback, pay attention in class, work hard, do your best. And remember that communication is key, so don’t be afraid to ask questions. Speaking of which…


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