5 Great Reasons Adults Should Begin Martial Arts

You may be on board with the idea of martial arts for kids — great way to burn off excess energy, learn a little discipline and coordination, get some exercise — but what about starting martial arts as an adult? Sure, there’s the self-defense aspect, which is important, but there’s so much more to the story. Here are five great reasons adults should begin martial arts.

It’s an Unbelievable Stress Reliever

Ahh, stress. Can you even be an adult in this day and age and not be stressed? Between work and family and money and politics and the constant bombardment of content every time you use a screen, it’s a lot. And stress is problematic, bleeding into physical and mental health issues when it isn’t properly managed, which is where martial arts comes in.

By learning how to focus on what’s happening in the here and now, you’ll channel good and bad energy into your efforts on the mat to help relieve all that tension and anxiety. It’s something you’ll notice immediately after class is over (thanks, endorphins!), and it’ll stay with you as you head off into your day or evening. Unlike alcohol, junk food, or binge-watching the latest season of whatever on Netflix, this is truly a healthy way to manage stress.

It Supports Mental Health

It’s a little buzz wordy, but supporting your mental health has never been more important. And the nature of martial arts, wherein you work towards a bunch of little goals on your path to the ultimate prize, lends itself beautifully to the task. You’ll always have a goal to work towards, which give you purpose. And having a sense of purpose is important no matter who are you.

The Physical Benefits Go Beyond Fitness

When you’re coming to class consistently, you can’t help but tone up, burn some fat, and boost your cardiovascular fitness. But the physical benefits keep going. Martial arts training improves agility, coordination, flexibility, and it builds strength. In other words, you get a lot of bang for your buck.

It’s Surprisingly Social

Martial arts brings together people from all walks of life. But sharing a common goal can be incredibly bonding. The community here at Freestyle Martial Arts in Reno is a stellar example. We’re a family, and we celebrate the highs and commiserate the lows together. The accountability factor that comes with this sort of close-knit community is another big perk, and you’ll be surprised at the lifelong friends you can find on the mat. 

It Meets You Right Where You Are

One of the best things about martial arts is that it’s highly specific to you, wherever you are in your fitness journey. Your personal progress reflects your level of participation, effort, and desire to improve, which is incredibly rewarding. You may not be the fastest, or the fittest, or the most natural athlete in the class, but it doesn’t matter, because your only competition is yourself. Commit to being better than you were last week, and you’re doing it all right.


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